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Sensera Aromatherapy

Sensera Aromatherapy is an American company based in Delaware, USA. The company was built by a group of Pharmacists and Medical Entrepreneurs with more than 15 years of experience in the field of natural health care products. Throughout the years our scientific expertise of using, purifying and selecting essential oils for therapeutic applications, made us worldwide leaders in the Aromatherapy industry; the science of using Pure, Natural and Therapeutic grade (P.N.T) Essential Oils for the psychological and physical wellbeing. As we truly believe in the power of Aromatic Plants in enhancing our senses positively, hence; our general wellbeing, we created our company “Sensera” meaning “The Era of Senses”. Sensera confirms that every drop of its Essential Oil is 100% Pure, Natural & Authentic. Each component is strictly quality controlled and ethically traced directly to our worldwide partner farms and suppliers, for a sustainable healthy planet.

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    Anise Oil 143EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Type: Single essential oil Size: 10ml Product description: Ranked as one of the top herbs and spices for healing. Anise, is also known as aniseed or Pimpinella anisum, is a plant in the Apiaceae family that is closely related to carrots, parsley and celery. The anise plant is native to the Mediterranean as well as Southwest Asia but is grown and used around the world. The plant can grow to be over three feet tall and produces white flowers as well as an oblong fruit known as anise seed. The anise taste is very distinct and often compared to licorice, fennel and star anise. Anise is frequently used as a flavoring for teas, desserts and liquors. Historically, it was also valued for its medicinal properties and used to treat everything from flatulence to menstrual pain. It’s also known for its powerful health-promoting properties and acts as a natural remedy for a wide variety of ailments, including improved blood sugar levels, decreased menopause symptoms and even protection against stomach ulcers. Anise may also be associated with improved breast milk production, protection against insects, a reduced risk of seizures and increased urine flow. Sensera Aromatherapy will walk you step by step through the benefits of Anise oil and how to include its calming effects in your daily rituals. Uses: 1. Bronchitis 2. Colds/ Flu 3. Coughs 4. Flatulence 5. Muscle Aches 6. Rheumatism 7. It can also increase urine flow, stimulate your appetite, ease menstrual discomfort, increase sex drive and increase milk production in women who are breastfeeding. Directions of use: 1. Cooking: Anise seed oil can be used in cookies, cakes, soups, candies or drinks. Anise oil for baking works especially well for bumping up the flavor of foods and imparting its powerful taste and aroma. For example, if a recipe requires 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of anise powder, you can swap in 1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) of anise oil. 2. Topical: Dilute with a carrier oil, unscented lotion or unscented cream and apply on area of concern or as desired. A maximum of 2.4% dilution for topical application is suggested (which is about 21 drops in an ounce of carrier oil). *Anise seed oil is useful in massage oil blends for supporting occasional cramped muscles. It is also warming on the skin and can support circulation. Blend with ginger for a soothing abdominal massage oil. *The combination of rose oil with anise seed is a beautiful and skin-loving blend for nourishing and helping to improve texture. The soft florals of rose temper the stronger notes of anise seed. *Carrot seed oil is another great match for anise seed in facial oil. 3. Inhalation: It can be useful in diffuser and inhaler blends intended to help ease bronchitis, colds and the flu. *Anise seed and lavender oils mix well to help promote relaxation and ease mental tension. 4. Cleaning: Anise oil can also be used in homemade cleaning recipes when combined with black pepper, thyme, or basil essential oils. 5. Internal: Aniseed is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. The maximum adult daily dose is 2 drops “generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils.” *2 drops in a little warm water can work as a bronchial expectorant for upper respiratory tract congestion and for dyspeptic complaints. *A drop of anise oil on a teaspoon of sugar will restore equilibrium to a tense nervous system.”

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    Lavander oil 165EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Size: 10ml Deriving from the Latin word ‘lavare’, meaning ‘to wash’, Lavender was an important part of Ancient Roman bathing rituals thanks to its potent antibacterial properties. Hunted by the world’s greatest perfumeries, Lavender Oil is nicknamed ‘Blue Gold’: a nod to its treasured place in French culture. The power of lavender oil was initially discovered by René-Maurice Gattefossé. After an explosion in his laboratory he plunged his burning hand into the nearest container of liquid, which happened to be lavender oil. Gattefossé noted how quickly the pain subsided and how his hand healed with little scarring. He went on to devote his life to the study of Lavender Essential Oil. Moreover, during World War I, many soldiers carried lavender oil in their first aid kits, using it on the battlefield for its healing and antiseptic properties. Thanks to a multitude of therapeutic properties, Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils in aromatherapy. Sensera Aromatherapy will walk you step by step through the benefits of Lavender oil and how to include it in your daily rituals Uses: 1. Protects Against Free Radicals: As an antioxidant, lavender oil may help protect the skin against environmental stressors. 2. Soothes Skin: Since the anti-fungal properties of lavender oil can have anti-itch and antiinflammatory effects. 3. Improves acne: Thanks to its antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory effects. 4. Promotes Wounds and Burns Healing: lavender oil may speed the healing of burns, cuts, scrapes, and wounds, and may also help with scarring. 5. Prevents Infections: Lavender oil has been used to prevent infections and combat bacterial and fungal disorders. 6. Improves Mood and Reduces Stress 7. Promotes Healthy skin and Hair 8. Relieves Headaches 9. Improves Sleep 10. Relieves Pain Uses: 1. Protects Against Free Radicals: As an antioxidant, lavender oil may help protect the skin against environmental stressors. 2. Soothes Skin: Since the anti-fungal properties of lavender oil can have anti-itch and antiinflammatory effects. 3. Improves acne: Thanks to its antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory effects. 4. Promotes Wounds and Burns Healing: lavender oil may speed the healing of burns, cuts, scrapes, and wounds, and may also help with scarring. 5. Prevents Infections: Lavender oil has been used to prevent infections and combat bacterial and fungal disorders. 6. Improves Mood and Reduces Stress 7. Promotes Healthy skin and Hair 8. Relieves Headaches 9. Improves Sleep 10. Relieves Pain

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    Rosemary Essential Oil 115EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier before applying them to the skin. 100% Pure and natural oil Size: 10ml Product description: Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a small evergreen plant that belongs to the mint family. Most of rosemary’s beneficial health effects haven been attributed to the high antioxidant activity of its main chemical constituents. Considered sacred by ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians rosemary has a lengthy history of use for centuries. Some of the interesting uses of rosemary throughout time, that it was used as a wedding love charm when it was worn by brides and grooms in the middle ages. Around the world in places like Australia and Europe, rosemary is also viewed as a sign of honor and remembrance. Uses: 1.Discourages Hair Loss and Boosts Growth. 2.Improves Memory 3.Liver Boosting 4.Protects the body from chronic disease 5.Anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. 6.Anti-viral, Anti-microbial, and Anti-septic properties 7.Soothe digestive issues. 8.Relieve aching muscles. 9.Reduce level of stress hormone and help in relaxation. 10.Support respiratory functions Directions of use: 1.Improve Memory: Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on upper neck or diffuse for 1 hour a day. 2.Study Better: Are you or your child trying to memorize information for an upcoming test? Diffuse rosemary oil while studying to boost cognitive function and memory. 3.Hair Thickener: Mix Olive Oil with Rosemary and Lavender , or add rosemary to your shampoo recipe, for a scalp and hair boost. 4.Reduce Pain: Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on sore muscles and painful joints to increase circulation and decrease inflammation. 5.Relieve Digestive Upset: Add Rosemary to your favorite carrier oil and rub in a clockwise fashion over the abdomen. 6.Massage Oil: Rosemary increases skin circulation which can be useful in warming massage blends.​ 7.A Natural Homemade Multi-purpose Cleaning Spray: To cleanse indoor environments and eliminate harmful bacteria therein. A dilution of Rosemary Oil in distilled white vinegar and water make a spray cleanser that is suitable to wipe down surfaces like countertops 8.Ultimate solution for cold hands & feet use it by rubbing your hands and feet with diluted ROSEMARY OIL. Why? It penetrates the skin and instantly stimulates circulation, kicking blood flow to the extremities.

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    Coconut Oil 132EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier before applying them to the skin. 100% Pure and natural oil Size: 50ml Product description: Coconut oil easily mixes with other oils. Coconut oil is very light with minor greasy feeling acting as a natural emollient and easily penetrating the skin 1. Benefits: Treats Alzheimer, Improves Memory and Brain Function: Coconut oil could create an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function because it’s rich with medium-chained fatty acids (MCFAs). 2. Prevents Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure: Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats which increases the healthy cholesterol (HDL) and convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols. 3. Treats Urinary Tract Infections and Kidney Infections: MCFAs in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by killing bacteria. Coconut oil directly protects the liver from damage. 4. Reduce Inflammation and Arthritis: due it’s high levels of antioxidants. 5. Prevents Cancer: due it’s rich MCFAs content. 6. Boosts Immune System: Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral due to its acid content. 7. Improves Energy and Endurance: MCFAs are sent directly to the liver to be converted into energy. 8. Improves Digestion, Reduces Ulcers and Colitis: improves digestion as it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. 9. Helps Gallbladder Disease and Pancreatitis: this superfood is so easy to digest that it improve gallbladder and total body health. 10. Improves skin issues: (Burns, Eczema, Dandruff, Dermatitis and Psoriasis). Coconut oil is wonderful as a face cleanser, moisturizer and sun screen, but also it can treat many skin disorders. The fatty acids in coconut oil reduce inflammation internally and externally and moisturize, making them a great solution for all types of skin conditions. 11. Prevents Gum Disease and Tooth Decay: Coconut oil is one of the most effective oils for oil pulling due to its high concentration of antibacterial MCFAs. 12. Prevents Osteoporosis: coconut oil has high levels of antioxidants, it is a leading natural treatment for osteoporosis. It increases calcium absorption in the gut. Increases bone volume and structure, but also decreases bone loss due to osteoporosis. 13. Helps Weight Loss, Builds Muscles and Decreases Body Fat: It helps burn fats and calories, decreases appetite, trigger the feeling of fullness and in studies it was especially helpful in losing belly fat. It limits the risk of diabetes in old age. 14. Benefits Hair Health: If you have dandruff or dry hair, coconut oil has the perfect fatty acids to help conditions. It keeps the hair lustrous and smooth. 15. Anti-aging: Coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow aging. 16. Balances Hormones: it’s a great source of saturated fat acids. Coconut oil may be an excellent fat to consume during menopause and also may have positives effects on estrogen levels. Directions of use: 1. Cooking and Baking: Coconut oil can be used for cooking and baking. Adding coconut oil to your food or smoothies helps to boost energy quickly and it’s easier to digest than other types of oils. You can make a homemade energy fuel by mixing coconut oil, raw honey and chia seeds together. Simply put together one tablespoon of each and consume 30 minutes prior to exercise. If coconut oil is taken at the same time as omega-3 fatty acids, it can make them twice as effective, as they are readily available to be digested and used by the body. 2. Skin and Hair Health: How do you apply coconut oil to your body? You can simply apply it topically directly to your skin or as a carrier for essential oils or blends. Rubbing it into your skin right after you shower is especially beneficial. Coconut oil works as a great moisturizer and it has antimicrobial properties that will boost skin and hair health. Some ways to use coconut oil for your skin and hair include:  Using as a natural skin moisturizer  Fighting pre-mature aging: To naturally slow aging, take one tablespoon of coconut oil with antioxidantrich berries for breakfast. You can also apply it directly to skin for additional health benefits and smoothing  Creating a natural wound salve  Making an anti-fungal cream  Making a natural hair conditioner: You can make homemade coconut lavender shampoo to improve your hair and use straight coconut oil as an all-natural hair conditioner.  Treating dandruff: To get rid of dandruff and thicken hair, massage one tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil into your scalp for three minutes. Then shower 30 minutes later.  Detangling hair 3. Mouth and Teeth Health: Coconut oil can be used for oil pulling, which is an Ayurvedic practice that works to detoxify the mouth, remove plaque and bacteria, and freshen breath. Oil pulling technique: swish the oil in your mouth, the oil denatures the bacteria and sticks to it. Removing oral bacteria greatly reduces your risk of periodontal disease. If you want to heal your gums and repair your teeth, I recommend coconut oil pulling three times a week for 20 minutes a day. 4. DIY Natural Remedy Recipes Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent ingredient in DIY natural remedy recipes that are used to fight infections and boost immunity. Some recipes that can be made with coconut oil are:  lip balms  homemade toothpaste  natural deodorant  shaving cream  massage oil 5. Household Cleanser Coconut oil works as a natural dust preventer, laundry detergent, furniture polish and homemade hand soap. It kills bacteria and fungus that may be growing in your house, and it keeps surfaces looking shiny too 6. Boosts Immune System: Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral due to its acid content. 7. Improves Energy and Endurance: MCFAs are sent directly to the liver to be converted into energy. 8. Improves Digestion, Reduces Ulcers and Colitis: improves digestion as it helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. 9. Helps Gallbladder Disease and Pancreatitis: this superfood is so easy to digest that it improve gallbladder and total body health. 10. Improves skin issues: (Burns, Eczema, Dandruff, Dermatitis and Psoriasis). Coconut oil is wonderful as a face cleanser, moisturizer and sun screen, but also it can treat many skin disorders. The fatty acids in coconut oil reduce inflammation internally and externally and moisturize, making them a great solution for all types of skin conditions. 11. Prevents Gum Disease and Tooth Decay: Coconut oil is one of the most effective oils for oil pulling due to its high concentration of antibacterial MCFAs. 12. Prevents Osteoporosis: coconut oil has high levels of antioxidants, it is a leading natural treatment for osteoporosis. It increases calcium absorption in the gut. Increases bone volume and structure, but also decreases bone loss due to osteoporosis. 13. Helps Weight Loss, Builds Muscles and Decreases Body Fat: It helps burn fats and calories, decreases appetite, trigger the feeling of fullness and in studies it was especially helpful in losing belly fat. It limits the risk of diabetes in old age

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    Argan Oil 214EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier before applying them to the skin. 100% Pure and natural oil Size: 50ml Product description: Argan oil comes from the kernels of Argan trees native to Morocco. When it comes to skin and hair health, it’s a cosmetic powerhouse Benefits:  Argan oil helps with the wounds and burns healing processes. Help treat skin infections, bug bites and skin rashes.  Argan oil support the healing of atopic dermatitis as it regenerates the lipid barrier of the epidermis (upper skin surface).  Argan oil protects the skin against UV-B, decreasing the biosynthesis of melanin and can be of great help in hyperpigmentation disorders. Argan oil has been used for centuries in Morocco as a cosmetic oil for maintaining a light complexion.  Vitamin E is a main anti-oxidant component of Argan oil which induces the production of more collagen and elastic fibers. This helps in decreasing skin aging, improving skin elasticity and maintaining its integrity.  Anti-oxidants especially Vitamin E found in Argan oil can decrease the skin aging process related to Estrogen loss in postmenopausal women.  Today, it’s used by men and women who are seeking an effective, all-natural moisturizer for skin and hair.  Argan oil contents has a positive effect on cardiovascular functions as it works by decreasing total cholesterol level, enhancing blood circulation and working as anti-hypertensive. Directions of use: ** Skin Uses: Nighttime Moisturizer: Pour a drop or two into your palm to warm. Apply in a circular motion to your face and neck. Skin Toner: Apply 2-4 drops to your toner. Exfoliant: Mix 1 tablespoon of brown sugar with few drops of Argan oil in your hand. Rub into your face in a circular motion for 2-4 minutes then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Acne Remedy: Place a drop in the palm of your hand and dab into problem area. Mix with tea tree oil for added effectiveness. Stretch Marks Remedy: Warm 2-3 drops in your palms and gently rub on your hips, thighs, stomach and other problematic areas. Lip Conditioner: Apply 1-2 drops on your lips and wipe off the extra. Foot treatment: Rub few drops onto your feet, paying special attention to problem areas, and cover with a pair of cotton socks to give the oil the time to work. Leave it for at least 20 minutes or preferably overnight. Razor Burn Treatment: Warm a drop or two in your palms and massage into affected areas. **Hair Uses: Leave-in Conditioner: Warm a drop in your palms and pass your fingers through your hair, paying special attention to the ends .Then massage another drop into your scalp. Overnight Deep Conditioning Treatment: Warm 4–10 drops in your hands before massaging into your scalp. Continue applying all the way to the ends, twist and place a shower cap on top. Your natural body heat retained in the shower cap will help the oil to penetrate, while keeping your pillowcase free of oil. In the morning, wash your hair, rinsing until all residues are gone. **Nail and Cuticle Treatment: Remove all polish from fingernails and toenails and rinse thoroughly. Dot a fraction of a drop directly onto each nail, one at a time, and rub into the nail bed and cuticle. Leave on until all nails have been treated. Wash and rinse thoroughly and then apply polish as desired

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    Peppermint Oil 82EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier before applying them to the skin. 100% Pure and natural oil Size: 10ml Product description: Peppermint dates back to the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans with their usage for its medicinal and flavouring properties. Peppermint is a hybrid of spearmint and water mint. It only came into general use in the medicine of Western Europe about the middle of the eighteenth century, and then was first used in England. Peppermint Essential Oil has been used historically in aromatherapy to address a multitude of health concerns. Not only a re-energizing scent, Peppermint Oil can give your skin, body and mind a well-needed boost Uses: 1. Relieve muscle and joint pain. 2. Provide sinus relief and other respiratory benefits. 3. Provide seasonal allergy relief. 4. Increase energy and improve exercise performance. 5. Alleviate headaches. 6. Improve IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms. 7. Freshen breath and support oral health. 8. Promote hair growth and reduce dandruff. 9. Relieve itchiness. 10. Repel bugs naturally. 11. Reduce nausea. 12. Improve colic symptoms. 13. Improve skin health. 14. Provide sunburn protection and relief Directions of use: 1. Uplifting, Energizing, and Alerting Effect: Add about 5 drops of peppermint oil to a diffuser for an energizing scent that easily fills the room. You may even find yourself starting to breathe easier! OR drink 1-2 drops with a glass of water. 2. Cooking: It is an incredible, natural way to get not only peppermint oil benefits, but also a great minty touch to dishes. You can also add it to Smoothies or Drinks: Add a drop in your water or two drops in a smoothie, pure peppermint oil can really give a refreshing kick to a beverage. Plus, it’s a great choice for fighting off bacteria and stomach issues. 3. Massage Oil: Peppermint oil soothes, cools and refreshes, it’s the perfect ingredient for massage oils. Dilute several drops in almond or other carrier oil of choice. For bonus relaxation, add Lavender EO and Eucalyptus EO. 4. Feet Scrub: Peppermint oil makes a great addition to an exfoliating foot scrub to give your feet a treat. 5. Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain: Mix with a carrier oil and rub 2-3 drops into the area of concern 3 times daily. 6. Provide Sinus Relief, Seasonal Allergy Relief and other Respiratory Benefits: Mix with a carrier oil and rub 2-3 drops on temples, chest and back of the neck. 7. Alleviate headaches: Mix with a carrier oil and rub 2-3 drops on temples, forehead and back of the neck. 8. Improve IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms: Mix with a carrier oil and rub 2-3 drops on abdomen area OR drink 1-2 drops with a glass of water. 9. Freshen Breath and Support Oral Health: Add 1 drop to toothpaste or add 1 drop to a glass of water and gargle. 10. Promote Hair Growth and Reduce Dandruff: Add 2-3 drops to your shampoo or conditioner and rub into your scalp while showering. 11. Relieve Itchiness: Mix with coconut oil 1:1 and rub onto the area of concern OR add 5-10 drops to a warm water bath. 12. Repel Bugs Naturally: Mix with carrier oil and rub on exposed areas. 13. Reduce Nausea: Add 1 drop to a glass of water OR rub 1-2 diluted drops behind the ears. 14. Improve Skin Health: Mix with lavender oil 1:1 and dilute with a carrier oil and apply to area of concern. 15. Provide Sunburn Protection and Relief: Mix 2-3 drops with half teaspoon coconut oil and apply to skin. 16. Dog Flea Repellent: It’s recommended using peppermint oil topically for dogs by adding it to dog-friendly shampoos.

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    Geranium Oil 115EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier before applying them to the skin. 100% Pure and natural oil Size: 10ml Product description: Pelargonium comes from the Greek word “pelargos” which means stork (Kind of birds). Graveolens refers to the strong-smelling flowers. They belong to the botanical family geraniaceae. There are over 200 different varieties of Pelargonium plants, but only a few are used as essential oils. The Geranium species that is most commonly cultivated for the extraction of the sweetsmelling essential oil is Pelargonium graveolens. Uses of Geranium essential oil date back to ancient Egypt when Egyptians used Geranium oil to beautify skin and for other benefits. Thanks to a multitude of therapeutic properties as well as an intoxicating scent and beautiful appearance, Geranium Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils in aromatherapy. Uses: 1. Balance and enhance the complexion. 2. Be ideal for use in addressing feminine ailments related to reproductive health. 3. Have uplifting properties that enhance the mood to reduce feelings of anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and sadness. 4. Exhibit astringent properties that cause the skin, tissues, and muscles to contract in order to leave the face and body looked clear, toned, and tightened. 5. Stimulate and enhance circulation. 6. Have anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties that may prevent viral infections. 7. Facilitate the body’s elimination of toxins. 8. Enhance digestion and reduce the chances of developing flatulence. Directions of use: 1. Wrinkle Reducer: Add two drops of geranium essential oil to your face lotion/cream and apply it twice daily. After a week or two, you will notice the fading of your wrinkles. 2. Muscle Toner (Massage Oil): Create a massage oil by mixing 5 drops of geranium essential oil with one tablespoon of jojoba oil and massage it on your skin focusing on muscles. This helps ease puffiness, remove excess fluid in the skin and tissues, tightens the skin and improves muscle tone. 3. Natural Deodorant: Add 5 drops of geranium oil to a spray bottle and mix it with 5 tablespoons of water. This is a natural and beneficial perfume that can be used daily. 4. Natural Perfume: Add 2 tablespoons of a Carrier Oil of your choice, then add 3 drops Geranium Essential Oil, 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil and any other oil that blends well with geranium. Cover the container and shake it well to thoroughly blend all the oils together. To use this natural, homemade perfume, simply dab few drops onto the pulse points (wrist, the inside of the elbows, and the neck) Skin Enhancer: Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with 5 drops of geranium oil, then rub the mixture onto the trouble spot twice a day until you notice results. You can also add two drops of geranium oil to your daily face or body wash. 6. Insect Repellent and Bug Bite Healer: to make your own bug repellant, mix geranium oil with water and spray it on your body. You can also add baking soda to boost the effect of this mixture. Use it as a massage oil on itchy or irritated spots for relief. 7. Ease Menstrual Discomfort: Blend 3 drops of geranium oil in 2 teaspoons of any carrier oil of your choice like Evening Primrose Refined Carrier Oil ,sunflower carrier oil or sweet Almond Carrier Oil and massage on the abdomen in a clockwise direction during times of menstrual discomfort. 8. Hydrating Hair Conditioner: combine 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, and 10 drops of Geranium Essential Oil in a 240 ml (8 oz.) glass spray bottle or in a BPA-free plastic spray bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously to thoroughly blend all the ingredients together. To use this conditioner, spray it onto the hair, allow it to soak in for 5 minutes, then rinse it out. This recipe should yield 20-30 uses. 9. Uplifting, Energizing, and Inspiring Effect: diffuse 2-3 drops of Geranium Essential Oil in an essential oil diffuser. This offers a sense of positivity and good health, both physically and mentally as well as having the added benefit of soothing a sore throat and addressing sinus infections. 10. Moisturizing, Soothing, and Regenerative application for feet affected by Athlete’s Foot (Fungal Infection): Combine 1 tablespoon Soya Bean Carrier Oil, 3 drops Wheat germ Carrier Oil, and 10 drops Geranium Essential Oil in a dark bottle. To use, first soak the feet in a warm foot bath consisting of Sea Salt and 5 drops of Geranium Essential Oil. Next, apply the oil blend to the foot and massage it thoroughly into the skin. This can be done twice daily, once in the morning and again in the evening. 11. Anti-Bacterial Bath : Combine 10 drops of Geranium Essential Oil and 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil with 2 cups of Sea Salt. Pour this salt blend into a bath tub under hot running water. Before entering the tub, ensure that the salt has dissolved completely. Soak in this aromatic, relaxing, and protective bath for 15-30 minutes to stimulate better circulation and to promote the faster healing of blemishes, wounds, and irritation

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    Frankincense Facial Treatment “Anti-age and fine line filler”. 226EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Cosmetic Aromatherapy Facial Treatment Frankincense & Argan Oil Frankincense is used to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin imperfections. Use after your night skin care routine.Apply few drops on your palms and gently press it onto your face , neck and neck line using your hand,or blend 2-3 drops with your foundation in the morning for a more radiant look. Boswellia papyrifera, Fractioned coconut oil, Argan Oil, Vitamin E, Pelargonium graveolens 30 ml

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    Anti-Aging Gold Set 308EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Set includes : La Jeunesse Gold Serum- La Jeunesse facial toner La Jeunesse Gold Serum : Cosmetic Aromatherapy Advanced Anti-aging toner Size :30ml Ingredient : 1. Fractionated coconut oil 2. Argan oil 3. Jojoba oil 4. Boswellia papyrifera oleoresin 5. Boswellia carterii essential oil 6. Pelargonium graveolens oil 7. Vitamin E Product Description: A blend of pure, natural and therapeutic grade oils intended to be used at night to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in addition to enhancing the production of collagen. How To Use ” Apply the serum to your face and neckline using your fingers. Rub in small circular motions so that you stimulate circulation and spread the product out as far as it will go. Wait at least 20 minutes after application before resting your face on a pillow or any other surface. La Jeunesse facial toner : Cosmetic Aromatherapy Anti-aging toner Size :130ml Ingredient : 1. Distilled water 2. Boswellia carterii essential oil 3. Vitamin E 4. Vitamin B5 Product Description : A blend of rejuvenating frankincense (Boswellia carterii) essential oil and vitamins which is used to tone and prime your skin to better absorb moisturizer and other facial products. How To Use : Apply with cotton pad to refresh and prime your skin. For best results use after cleansing and before moisturizing.

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    Glowing Facial Toner 93EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Cosmetic Aromatherapy Soak a cotton pad with toner, then swipe it over your entire face, neck, and neck line. You should use the toner after cleansing and before using serum or moisturizer. Distilled Water, Citric Acid, Glycerin, Jasmine grandiflorum, Pelargonium graveolens, Citrus aurantium var. amara L. with jasmine Size :130ml

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    Sanitize & Refresh 55EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Type Clinical Aromatherapy Ingredient Highlight 70% Ethyl Alcohol Infused with lavender, Geranium & Glycerin Product Description 70% Ethyl Alchol infused with Pure Natural and Theraputic Grade Essesntial Oils. Supervised Use for Children. Non-toxic ;100% Safe. Developed following WHO & CDC regulations. How To Use Hand & Surface Spray to disinfect and Sanitize from any microbes Product benefits 1- Our sanitizers aren’t designed for perfumery or perfumes-like use. 2- Our sanitizers are 70% Natural Ethyl alcohol obtained from sugar fermentation witch means: Non toxic, can be used safely with kids , won’t cause any toxicity if it came in contact with food. 3- Infused with three PNT essential oils to naturally enhance its anti-infective activity without addition of any synthetic chemical. 4- Odor might be a bit heavy for people experiencing odor sensitivity due to the purity of the natural essential oils content selected for its anti-microbial activity. Product Scent fruity, citrus, candy like, lemon like Size :100 ml

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    Sanitize & Energize 71EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Clinical Aromatherapy 70% Ethyl Alcohol Infused with Lemon, Geranium & Rosemary. 70% Ethyl Alchol infused with Pure Natural and Theraputic Grade of Essesntial Oil. Supervised Use for Children. Non-toxic 100% Safe. Developed following WHO & CDC. Hand & Surface Spray to disinfect and Sanitize from any microbes Size :100 ml

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    Sanitize & Relax 71EGP incl. VAT Sold By : Sensera Aromatherapy
    Clinical Aromatherapy Disinfectant & Sanitizer Spray Hand & Surface Spray to disinfect and Sanitize from any microbes 70% Ethyl Alchol infused with Pure Natural and Theraputic Grade of Essesntial Oil. Supervised Use for Children. Non-toxic 100% Safe. 70% V/V Natural Ethyl Alcohol, Citurs limon blend, Rosmarinus officinalis, Pelargonium graveolens Size :100 ml

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